While each of our jobs are different, for most of us,
walking is part of our workday. Whether it’s walking the
factory floor, taking a stroll outside during a break or
getting from one meeting to another, we are on our feet
at least part of the day. With all of that foot traffic, there is
always the potential for a fall.
According to Injury Facts®, falls to the same level are a
leading cause of preventable workplace injuries causing
time away from work. While walking seems like a simple
task, it’s been a leading cause of workplace injury for many
years. We need to watch out for all of the hazards tied to
walking just as we would any other part of our jobs that
poses a safety risk.
So what are some of the dangers tied to walking? They
include distraction, footwear, poor walking surfaces,
damaged surfaces and basic housekeeping.
For more information click here to review 5-Minute Safety Talk Flyer.